Sunday, March 25, 2018

And Then I Learned About Keto

August 2017

After my failed attempts at exercising and calorie counting, I knew there must be something out there that would allow me to reach my goals.

At this point, it was only 3 months away from my wedding and I had only lost around 10lbs - that meant I was still 20lbs away from my goal wedding weight!

I had heard in the past that carbs were something you should stay away from while dieting and trying lo lose weight; I think we have all heard it before: Bread makes you fat; Cakes and cookies end up on the waist.

Most of my problem foods (pizza, burgers, cookies, muffins, etc) were these evil carb dense foods. Maybe if I gave these up, it would help me out. That was my hope.

After a little bit of time on trusty google - I learned all about this thing called the Keto Diet. I could lose weight without exercising?? I couldn't believe it - my dream diet!

I must admit, I could have done a little bit more research at the beginning, but I was still happy with the results I was getting - in the first week I had lost 7 pounds! I couldn't believe it! That's amazing!

At this point I was doing lazy keto - I was counting calories, I wasn't counting carbs. My main focus was just to eliminate carbohydrates from my diet, and I think I was just hoping to be under 50g each day.

This still lead to some problems. I remember one day, searching to see how many carbs were in a small pizza. I had ordered an individual thin crust that day because it was under 50g. Oops.

Either way, I was losing weight. Come October of that year, I had officially entered the 160's! At this point, I was even least strict with my diet, because come on, my wedding was a month away and I couldn't have a dress that was too big!

I still cut carbs out as much as I could, but I also splurged quite a bit too.

Come my wedding day, I was around 167lbs. Not quite at my goal, but I was still pleased with how far I had come and I think I looked great that day! Helped that the wedding dress had a lace up back to suck everything in! It was the first time in my life that I actually worked at losing weight and did not expect to just wake up one day being skinny. If only it happened like that!

We were married and honeymooned in Jamaica and come on, do you really expect me to diet when there is unlimited, delicious food available everywhere? I don't think so!

Long story short, I came back from Jamaica and was up to 176lbs. Almost 10 pounds in one week, WOW!

I thought I was going back to my diet once being home, but again, I had excuses. Christmas was coming up, how can I avoid carbs at a time like Christmas?!

Anyways, the holiday came and left (as did my diet). By January 1 (one month later), I was only down 1 pound.

So here came my New Years Resolution - go back to the Keto Diet. And this time, my husband was up for taking it on with me!

Us doing this together, had to make it easier, right?


Here's a little fact about my husband - he LOVES food. Remember, he's the reason I gained so much to begin with. Fortunately for him, the weight doesn't stick as much, don't you hate that about men?

So after 2 weeks of strict keto dieting, he gave in to his temptations and bought himself an ice cream treat. It all went down from there. Because, he was cheating on his diet I thought I could too - wrong.

By the end of January, I was back up to 172lbs. It seemed like I would never be able to stay in the 160's.

Finally, I knew this was it - I had to just commit to this - with or without my husband on board. It was without him, he just couldn't give those things up.

Now today, 2 months after I committed to being on this journey, I weighed myself this morning, and guess what?! I WEIGH 159.4LBS. Yes, that is correct! I am doing this thing!

The main thing I have learned is - Do not give up! Things get hard - you may be like me and have your loved ones eating carbs in front of you, but you have to just push through it! I have been very lucky - my husband supports my goals and he will eat my low carb, keto dinners without complaint. But he won't pressure my to eat that bag of chips with him or that pizza he brought home.

It's all about will power and getting over that first hump. Honestly, it doesn't even bother me anymore that he eats that way in front of me, as I really don't crave those foods anymore. Okay, maybe sometimes. Every time I cheated, it just made me feel like crap and I don't want to feel like that anymore.

My new goal is to get to 139.9lbs, no deadline.

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